miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

Did you know that the Brazilian engineer Santos-Dumond would be the father of the aviation?

The engineer Alberto Santos-Dumond was the first one on built and flew 'dirigible' balloons under total control. In 1901, he rounded the Eiffel Tower by air and won the Deutsch de la Meurthe prize.

Although the Wright Brothers were the first ones that could fly with a flying machine in 1903, Santos-Dumond was the first one to show, in a public European event, an airplane that was witnessed by the European press and French aviation authorities to take off and successfully fly (1906).

There is a possibility to do a new cover of the British film "Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machine (1965)". If this is true, a Brazilian role must be included to commemorate his memory.

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sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

Did you know that the origin of "$" comes from Mexico?

The sign "$" was born in 1770 in the New Spain (now Mexico) and is referred to the Spanish-Mexican dollar.

This sign is related to the Spanish coat of arms where the Pillars of Hercules appear with a belt with the form of an "S" with a label in latin "Plus Ultra" (beyond). This sign was engraved in all silver and gold coins from the New World.

The British colonies in the Americas (now USA and Canada) used this coins due to the low quantity of English coins that were not enough to support their economy. More later the Americans added other vertical line to the sign.

At the present, this sign is broadly used in economy, computer world (when you push shift and the number 4 in your PC keyboard), and programming as string symbol (C, C++, Java, Phyton, and so on).


viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Did you know that the origin of the chocolate comes from Mexico?

The name chocolate comes from the Nahualt language "xocolatl" (or bitter water). The milk has not been known until the arrival of the Spaniards people to the Americas. Some clues indicate that around 1000 years before Christ age, the cacao pulp was fermented to obtain a kind of "cold beer". This delicious and coveted beverage was very popular in weddings and other important events. Some times this drink was spicy with chili and other kind of plants.

When the Spaniards settled down in the New Spain (today Mexico) they enjoyed so much the beverage. They added vanilla, sugar, milk and cinnamont to the drink. The chocolate was well accepted in the Spanish court and after in the whole Europe.

Many generations of people around the world have enjoyed this beverage, also the products related with it such as cakes, ice creams, tablets, sweets, etc.

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